3247 and CS4240

CS3247 Game Development

Install Epic Games https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/download and launch Epic Games to download Unreal Engines

CS4240 Interactive Design for Virtual and Augmented Reality

Open Unity Hub to use already installed version(eg. Unity 2020.2.1.f1), If other version need to be installed(administrator rights is required).

If face problem,(eg:cannot use license), ask assistance from lab-in-charge, Mr Chow.


1)    Delete c:/Programdata/unity/unity-lic.ulf

Python - Install site-packages using pip install

Check version of python – python –version

Check installed site packages – pip list

Command prompt (Run as administrator)

-         pip install numpy

-         pip install scipy

-         pip install matlibplot

-         pip install imageio

-         pip install pillow

Miniconda-x64(alternate version for python)

Command prompt (Run as administrator)

-         conda install numpy